Thursday, June 14, 2007

Day Care with Dad

Kittens Represent

Here's a photo of my little babies. Guinn and I came home for lunch one day and it was raining pretty heavily. I was cooking lunch and I kept hearing this repetitive mewing-like noise. So I looked out back and my neighbor behind me kept saying kittens, kittens. I looked up on my roof and there was a tiny, soaking wet kitten peering down at me. So I built a little shelter for the six kittens and dried them off.

After work I came home to check on them and all the kittens but two were gone. So Guinn and I discussed the situation and we decided to adopt the kittens. We decided that since the mother was such a homeless meth-addict that we would be better parents.

We bottle fed the kittens with formula for a few weeks.